Housecatures by Linda Wenzel
Each Custom Housecature is Unique
“Housecatures” are ink and water color paintings of a house which capture the personality and character of the home. They are done by commission only and can be painted from a photo as seen here.
They can be done in several sizes: 10 x 14 and 14 x 20 or larger upon request.
Full color Notecards of the paintings (5 x 7) can also be ordered.
Housecatures are a unique gift item. Here are some suggestions for yourself or others you’d like to surprise with a wonderful, original work:
• Gift for home buyers and/or home sellers
• Personalized custom portrait of homes for family, friends, and clients
• Personality portraits of homes
• Architectural renderings for home improvement ideas
• Watercolor custom paintings of homes and businesses
• Realtors gift for clients when they buy or sell a home
* Landscape ideas for remodels
* Custom Portraits of family homes